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Outfitters have existed in Québec for nearly a century. The first known grouping of outfitters was the Québec Outfitters Association, founded in December 1948. The Association changed its name several times over the years, becoming the Québec Outfitters Federation Inc. (QOF) in December 2002.

For more than 50 years, the men and women in the outfitting industry have been working towards creating a network of outfitters in order to improve the industry’s image, as well as offer products and services that better meet its clientele’s expectations.

Today, the QOF, a non-profit organization recognized by the government of Quebec, is a group of more than 330 outfitters that share a great love of the province’s wilderness areas, which they seek to promote as an easily accessible vacation destination.

Creating this vast network has produced the largest tourist offer in Québec for quality accommodations and services in the areas of sports hunting or fishing, family vacations and outdoor activities.

Let us be your guide!


The mission of the QOF is to represent and promote the collective interests of its members in order to support and improve the business environment.

The vision of the QOF is to ensure that the Quebec outfitters network is recognized as a leader in sustainable wildlife tourism.

The values put forward by the QOF are:

  • PROTECTION OF NATURE AND WILDLIFE ACTIVITIES: We emphasize the key role of our members in the protection of nature and wildlife activities, as well as in the sustainable management of their territories, and embrace the principles of sustainable development.

  • EXPERTISE: Our work is focused on enabling members to concentrate on their operations.

  • EXCELLENCE: We focus on integrity, quality, relevance and continuous improvement.

  • RESPECT AND COLLABORATION: We are committed to respecting people to provide a healthy work environment that fosters their self-fulfillment and enabling them to contribute to the achievement of the organization's objectives.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors


Bruno Caron, President of the board of directors
[email protected]

Serge Danis, Vice-president
[email protected]

Jean Blanchard, Secretary-Treasurer
[email protected]

Martin Dufour, East Zone Representative
President – Association des pourvoiries de Charlevoix
[email protected]

Lea Farrar, West Zone Representative
[email protected]

Paul Ostiguy, North Zone Representative
[email protected]

Louis Shecanapish-Tardif
President – Association des pourvoiries du Nord-du-Québec
[email protected]

Nicolas Bernard
President – Association des pourvoiries de la Mauricie
[email protected]

Isabelle Nadon
President – Association des pourvoiries des Laurentides
[email protected]

Yves Bouthillette
President – Association des pourvoiries de l’Abitibi-Temiscamingue
[email protected]

Stive Vézina
President – Association des pourvoiries de Chaudière-Appalaches—Isle-aux-Grues
[email protected]

Nicolas Moreau
President – Association des pourvoiries de la Côte-Nord
[email protected]

Éric Gosselin
President – Association des pourvoiries du Bas-St-Laurent/Gaspésie
[email protected]

Renaud Lacasse
President – Association des pourvoiries du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
[email protected]

Sylvain Turenne
President – Association des pourvoiries de Lanaudière
[email protected]

Simon Trudeau
President – Association des pourvoiries de l’Outaouais
[email protected]

Our Team

Québec Outfitters Federation Team


The Federation team is happy to answer your questions. You can reach any member of the team at 1-800-567-9009.


Me Dominic Dugré, Lawyer, President and Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
Extension: 232

Marie-Josée Blanchette, Director of Administration and Classification
[email protected]
Extension: 236

Catherine Gendron, Accounting Technician
[email protected]
Extension: 227


Josiane Lavallée, Director of Communications and Marketing
[email protected]
Extension: 237

Geneviève Bérubé, Graphic Designer
[email protected]
Extension: 238

Audrey Lafortune, Marketing and Web Agent
[email protected]
Poste : 224


Jonathan Leblond, Director of Forestry, Forestry Engineer
[email protected]
Extension: 235

François Trottier, Forestry Engineer
[email protected]

Myriam Poirier, Biologist and Forestry Engineer
[email protected]
Extension: 231


Carmelle Tremblay, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Extension: 225

Chantal Beauchesne, Information Agent
[email protected] ou [email protected]
Extension: 0 ou 221


Bruno Dumont, Director of Sustainability Development and Associative Life
[email protected]
Extension: 222

Nathalie Côté, Administrative Agent (Financial assistance measure)
[email protected]
Extension: 230

François Rioux, Project Manager
[email protected]
Extension: 240

Anne-Marie Royer, Advisor in Tourism Development, Sustainable Development and Training
[email protected]
Extension: 234

Xavier St-Amant, Biologist
[email protected]
Extension: 239


Anne Lemieux, Director, Northern Incubator-Accelerator
[email protected]
Extension: 233

Services Offered

The Québec Outfitters Federation (QOF) offers a wide range of services to outfitters, both members and non-members, and their customers.

Services to Customers

The Quebec Outfitters Federation is an organization that can help you choose the right outdoor vacation destination by providing the information it has about its member outfitters. It has all the information you need to find the perfect spot for you. Do you want to stay in a specific area, catch a certain specis of fish or have a uniquely memorable holiday experience? Just go to the Find an outfitter ( link will open in a new window) section to view the outfitters that meet all your vacation expectations.

The Quebec Outfitters Federation has also implemented a Code of Ethics that all of our member outfitters must respect. This Code, along with the client contract, are tools ensuring your vacation will be a complete success.

Services to Outfitters

The Québec Outfitters Federation has been mandated by the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs to manage the outfitter database, and to collect and deliver outfitter license and leases for exclusive-rights territories.

Similarly, under the new Tourist Accommodation ActThis link will open in a new window, the Federation has been delegated by the Ministère du Tourisme to register all outfitters in Québec. All outfitters governed by the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife must hold a registration and renew it annually in order to offer tourist accommodations. It should be noted that outfitters governed by the Act respecting hunting and fishing rights in the James Bay and New Québec Territories are not subject to registration.

In addition to taking advantage of the notoriety offered to the entire industry by the QOF, outfitters who choose to become part of the network benefit from a wide range of services to support them in the management of their business.

Services to Member Outfitters

The Québec Outfitters Federation is committed to providing outfitters with the essential tools they need to manage their businesses. Throughout the year, QOF employees' main task is to meet their members' needs by offering expertise and support in various fields, including administration, integrated resource management, geomatics, marketing and sustainable development.

The QOF also has a mandate to keep its members informed of the latest developments in the industry. Various tools are deployed to achieve this objective, such as monthly newsletters, regional association meetings, annual convention, private Facebook group, website, etc.

Member outfitters enjoy a range of financial benefits, including free one third-page space in the Guide de la pourvoirie, a customized profile on the website, and special rates with several product and service suppliers who are QOF associated members.

Do you want to become an outfitter? View the benefits bookletThis link will open in a new window and contact us! 

Services to Partners

The Québec Outfitters Federation has also set up the Associated Members NetworkThis link will open in a new window gathering organizations and businesses offering products and services intended for outfitters. Just like outfitters, these businesses are committed to providing quality services and respecting the values and principles set out in the associated members' code of ethics. Becoming a member is not automatic. The ongoing membership process is designed to maintain the network's credibility.