For 4 person(s)
2 beds
- Single / double bunk bed (max. 3 pers.): 1
- Folding bed (max. 1 pers.): 1
Near the others
- Cold water
- Hot water
- Interior toilet
- Sanitary block
- Automatic heating system
- Electric lighting system
Excellent lake trout fishing.
Road 131 N toward Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 1.2 km (0.75 mi.) past Réal Massé and 500 m (0.3 mi.) before La Glacière.
Some distances may be indicated as the crow flies.
11.6 km2
Exclusive rights
French and english
For 4 person(s)
Near the others
For 4 person(s)
Near the others
For 3 person(s)
Distance from the others
For 12 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Alone on the water
For 21 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Away from the others
For 10 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Alone on the water
For 8 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Alone on the water
For 14 person(s)
3 bedroom(s)
Alone on the water
For 20 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Alone on the water
For 8 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Away from the others
For 21 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Away from the others
For 6 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Away from the others
For 6 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Away from the others
For 11 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Alone on the water
For 7 person(s)
2 bedroom(s)
Away from the others